

 1. Names

 Supplier – ART NET SRL, a company that operates in accordance with the laws of Romania with its registered office in Bucharest, 28 Vlaicu Voda str., sector 3, registered at the Trade Registry Office under no. J40/1034/2000, with Unique Registration Number 12674545. Attention! There is no commercial activity at the registered office above!

 Beneficiary – natural or legal person who benefits from the services offered by the Provider, in accordance with the Rental Agreement and these General Terms and Conditions.

 Rental duration - the duration of the rental is calculated in periods of 24 hours starting from the exact date and time of receipt of the motorcycle, accessories, keys and documents of the motorcycle by the Beneficiary until the date and time of return or recovery by the Supplier of the motorcycle, accessories, keys and documents in the same aesthetics and function as on the date of receipt (with the exception of normal wear).

 Contract – the rental contract concluded between the Supplier and the Beneficiary.

 Motorcycle – the vehicle identified in the handover-acceptance report from the contract by the chassis number and the registration number.

 Accessory – means storage boxes, bags, waterproofs (rolled bag), rain suits, helmets or other accessories (provided by the Supplier) and listed in the handover-acceptance report in the rental contract.

 Services - all the services provided by the Supplier to the Beneficiary mentioned in this document and contract.

 Deposit - the amount retained by the Supplier from the Beneficiary at the time of signing the Contract, guarantee for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the Beneficiary in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease and the Contract.

 2. Booking

 Rezervarea motocicletei se face doar on-line pe site-ul nostru www.moto4rent.ro, achitand un avans de 20% din costul total al inchirierii (motocicleta + echipament+ accesorii). 

 The advance payment for the motorcycle reservation can be made online with a debit/credit card on our website www.moto4rent.ro or by OP/bank transfer to the account RO94BACX0000001600438000 opened at UniCredit Bank in the name of the company ART NET SRL, CUI 12674545, J40/1034/2000. The amount of the advance will be determined depending on the type of motorcycle rented, the number of days and the requested equipment.

 The reservation of the motorcycle for rent is confirmed by an e-mail sent by the Supplier to the Beneficiary at the e-mail address indicated by the Beneficiary, only after receiving the payment of a 20% advance. Otherwise, the "first come, first served" rule applies.

3. Cancellation of the Reservation

 Cancellation of the reservation is done only in writing (e-mail, sms, whatsapp, etc.). The advance paid for the motorcycle, accessories and services requested by the Beneficiary is refundable only if the cancellation is made at least 14 days before the rental date. Payment of the refund is made to the bank account indicated by the Beneficiary. If the cancellation is made less than 14 days before the rental date, the advance is not refundable.

 4. Conditions and contractual obligations of the Beneficiary

 In order to conclude a Contract with the Supplier, the Beneficiary must fulfill the following CONDITIONS:

- to prove possession of a valid driver's license for category A (motorcycles) or A2 (motorcycles up to 35kW) valid and without restrictions during the validity period of the rental contract;

- to present an identity document within the validity period;

- not to show up to take over the motorcycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

- for the rental of sports or touring motorcycles, the minimum age is 25 years and at least 1 year of experience;

- to prove the payment of the rent and the guarantee after drawing up the rental contract;

After drawing up the contract, paying the rent, the warranty and taking over the motorcycle, the Beneficiary agrees to accept all the legal and financial consequences related to the unauthorized use of the motorcycle and has the following   OBLIGATIONS:

- to comply with the general rental terms and conditions of this agreement;

- to pay the Supplier the value of the Contract, as well as any other justified additional costs that may arise from the contractual period (damages, fines, tolls, parking, etc.)

- to respect traffic rules, otherwise he will be liable to the law and will pay any contravention fines acquired during the contractual period, providing proof of their payment;

- to use the motorcycle only for tourist purposes (rides). It is forbidden to use the motorcycle on the track, in competitions, in racing or school mode;

- do not drive the motorcycle aggressively, on a wheel (wheelie or stoppie), to the circuit or off public roads;

- do not drive the motorcycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs or narcotic substances of any kind that can reduce the ability to drive;

- do not interventions to the motorcycle with modifications, repairs;

- do not sub-rent or entrust the motorcycle to another person;

- to bear the maintenance costs and other additional costs during the rental period (e.g. gasoline consumed, tires, room replacement, vulcanization, laundry, chain greasing, parking fees, tolls, fines, etc.)

- do not transport a number of more than 2 people on the motorcycle, as well as exceeding the maximum permitted load as provided in the registration certificate;

– the motorcycle will only be used on EU territory;

- for the entire duration of the contract, the Beneficiary is obliged to keep the motorcycle locked, with the handlebars locked when it is not in use;

- in the event of an accident, act of vandalism, theft or any event that may cause damage to the motorcycle and its accessories as well as the rented equipment, to immediately notify the Supplier (at the phone number on the website) and the Police by calling the emergency number 112 and to obtain the incident report, as well as all the necessary documents, as the case may be (e.g. repair authorization, copy according to RCA of the guilty person)

- to return at the end of the rental term provided for in the contract the fully filled motorcycle, the accessories, the equipment, the keys and the documents in the same aesthetic and technical (operational) state in which they were taken over (with the exception of normal wear and tear), at the stipulated delivery place in the contract.

 5. Obligations of the Supplier

 - to make available to the Beneficiary the Motorcycle with a full tank, with the registration certificate, the RCA policy, the key and optionally the equipment stipulated in the contract.

- to provide the Motorcycle in good working condition, not making the Beneficiary responsible for any hidden defects or technical defects.

 – sa asigure gratuit inlocuirea motocicletei cu o alta disponibila si/sau transport/remorcare in cazul unei defectiuni tehnice. Serviciul se asigura gratuit doar pe teritoriul tarii, exclus UE !! . In cazul unei pene de benzina,  pana la roata/anvelopa, deteriorarea/ruperea cheii de contact si inlocuirea cu alta, serviciul se asigura doar contra-cost, Beneficiarul platind deplasarea, remedierea sau inlocuirea aferenta.

- to return the Deposit to the Beneficiary under the conditions specified in the General Terms and Conditions.

 6. Warranty / Deposit

The amount representing the guarantee deposit ("Guarantee/Deposit") can be paid in cash or with a bank card (not with a phone, watch or other electronic devices) in which case the amount is blocked on the Beneficiary's bank card. The amount is unlocked/returned within up to 7 calendar days from the date of return by the Beneficiary or recovery by the Supplier of the motorcycle, accessories, keys and documents in the same functional and aesthetic condition as at the time of rental. The guarantee can vary depending on the type of motorcycle chosen and is stipulated in point 4 of the contract.

The Supplier has the right to withhold any amounts from the Guarantee representing the counter value of the damages brought by the Beneficiary to the Supplier, paying the following:

 7. Costuri suplimentare/Penalitati/Daune ale BENEFICIARULUI:

– depasirea celor 450 km alocati zilnic se taxeaza cu 0.20 euro/km

- taking over the motorcycle on weekends is charged an additional 10 euros

- handing over the motorcycle on weekends is charged an additional 10 euros

– pierderea sau distrugerea documentelor = 100 euro

– pierderea sau distrugerea cheilor motocicletei = 30 euro (fara cip) respectiv 100 euro (cu cip)

– recuperarea/remorcarea motocicletei în cazuri avarierii datorate exclusiv culpei Beneficiarului se va plati de catre acesta, iar costurile de transport vor fi cele conform site-ului partener www.remorcare-moto.ro .  Culpa se va stabili amiabil sau la sediul politiei.

– taxele, amenzile, penalitățile și cheltuielile judiciare cauzate de nerespectarea Acordului, a Codului Rutier, a legilor, regulilor și normelor în vigoare în România sau în alte țări în care motocicleta a fost folosită;

– returnarea sau abandonarea motocicletei, a accesoriilor, a actelor motocicletei și a cheii în alt loc decât cel prevăzut în Contract, iar costurile de transport vor fi cele conform site-ului partener www.remorcare-moto.ro

– returnarea motocicletei nespalate sau mai murdara decat a fost preluata se penalizeaza cu 50 lei;

– returnarea motocicletei cu mai putina benzina in rezervor decat a fost preluata se penalizeaza cu un plin de rezervor (capacitatea in litri trecuta in talon);

- non-payment of traffic fines collected by the Beneficiary while driving the motorcycle, fines that were sent directly to the Supplier, and the Beneficiary did not submit proof of payment of such fines to the Supplier.

– in urma avarierii motocicletei si/sau a accesoriilor acesteia datorate exclusiv culpei Beneficiarului constatate amiabil sau la sediul Politiei, se va proceda la intocmirea unui deviz de reparatie in regie proprie care va fi inmanat clientului, i se va emite factura cu suma de reparatie si se va retine suma respectiva din garantia depusa. Daca reparatia depaseste garantia depusa la inchiriere, se va proceda pe cale legala la recuperarea diferentei debitului de la Beneficiar. 

   In cazul in care clientul nu este de acord cu suma propusa pentru reparatie, se poate adresa altor societati in vederea reparatiei autovehiculului, a pieselor/componentelor avariate si a echipamentelor inchiriate si aducerea lor la starea initiala in termen de maxim 15 zile de la intocmirea devizului de reparatie. Fiecare zi de intarziere se penalizeaza cu pretul unei zi de inchiriere a motocicletei respective confom preturilor de pe site-ul www.moto4rent.ro

   La sfarsitul operatiunii, daca motocicleta, piesele/componentele avariate si echipamentul inchiriat sunt aduse la starea initiala (sau inlocuite), cu acordul ambelor parti, se va proceda la returnarea contravalorii reparatiilor in cuantumul sumelor specificate in devizul de reparatie al societatii de inchiriere.

NOTA IMPORTANTA!!!– in situatia in care se va deschide dosar de dauna RCA la societatea de asigurare a FURNIZORULUI din vina BENEFICIARULUI, se va plati o taxa de penalizare de catre BENEFICIAR in cuantum de 200 EURO pentru modificarea statusului RCA din BONUS in MALUS;

 8. Payments and Payment Methods

 – The Beneficiary will pay the Supplier an advance of 20% of the total cost of renting the motorcycle, accessories and services requested to confirm the reservation. The rest of the payment is paid in full on the day the Beneficiary receives the motorcycle, the motorcycle accessories, the key and the documents.

– Beneficiarul poate face plata avansului on-line pe site-ul nostru prin card de credit/debit sau cu OP/transfer/virament bancar in contul societatii noatre. In cazul platii avansului pentru rezervare prin OP/transfer/virament bancar, Furnizorul nu garanteaza confirmarea rezervarii pana la receptionarea fondurilor si nu i se va datora nicio compensatie din cauza intarzierii platii sumelor. Pentru confirmarea rezervarii, plata trebuie sa fie efectuata si receptionata in max 24h, in caz contrar comanda se anuleaza.

- the total payment or the rest of the payment (in case an advance was paid) to the Supplier's account must be received by the time of taking over the motorcycle, the motorcycle accessories, the key and the documents.

- payment is made in LEI at the exchange rate established in the contract.

 9. The rental period with the Pickup and Return of the Motorcycle

 – o zi de inchiriere se considera pe durata a 24 de ore de la ora inchirierii, iar limita zilnica este de 450 km. Kilometri aditionali se vor taxa cu 0.20 euro/km.

– The beneficiary owes the rental price, in the agreed amount, even if he does not use/drive the rented motorcycle.

- if, for reasons not attributable to the Supplier, the number of rental days actually used by the Beneficiary was less than the number of contracted and paid days, the difference in money for the unused rental days is not returned. If the number of rental days has been extended with the agreement of both parties compared to the number of days in the contract, upon Return, the difference in payment for the additional days will be calculated and paid.

- the collection and return of the motorcycle, accessories, motorcycle documents and keys will be done on the dates and times mentioned in the Contract at point 5. The grace period for returning the motorcycle, accessories, motorcycle, documents and keys is 3 hours. In case of exceeding the period, he is obliged to pay the Supplier the value of one rental day. If the pick-up and delivery are done on weekends, 10 euros will be added for each individual action.

– If the grace period is exceeded by a period longer than 24 hours, the Supplier reserves the right to contact the competent police authorities.

- the collection and return of the motorcycle, accessories, motorcycle documents and the key can be done from the Moto4Rent Location or from/in another place approved by mutual agreement between the Supplier and the Beneficiary. For picking up or returning the motorcycle, accessories, motorcycle documents and key to a location other than the Moto4Rent Location, the Beneficiary shall pay the Supplier, before the start of the rental period, a transport fee. Its cost can be calculated on the partner website www.remorcare-moto.ro

– If the motorcycle, accessories, motorcycle documents and key are picked up and returned in a place other than the one provided in the Contract, the Supplier reserves the right to withhold the recalculated transport fee from the deposit amount.

- by returning or abandoning the motorcycle, the accessories, the motorcycle documents and the key in a place other than the one provided in the Contract, the Beneficiary assumes the obligation to pay the Supplier the costs for the recovery of the motorcycle and the accessories. , of the motorcycle's documents and the key according to the prices displayed on the partner website www.remorcare-moto.ro

 10. Termination of the Contract

 - at the end of the rental period and after the return of the Guarantee, if the parties do not decide to extend it.

- before the deadline, by agreement of the parties, with the payment of penalties if they exist.

- by termination by any of the parties in case the other party does not respect its obligations assumed by the contract.

- In all cases of termination of the contract, the Beneficiary has the obligation to pay all amounts owed to the Supplier by the respective date.

 11. The purpose of using personal data

 Moto4Rent collects the following personal data of the lessee:

- Name and surname

- Series and number of the identity card

- Home address

- A phone number

– Driving license data

 Moto4Rent uses the tenant's personal data:

– In scopul verificarii dreptului legal al locatarului de a conduce vehiculele Moto4Rent pe drumuri publice;

– In scopul redactarii prezentului contract de inchiriere;

– In scopul comunicarii cu Locatarul pe parcursul desfasurarii contractului de inchiriere, legat de exploatarea motocicletei si eventuale aspecte tehnice sau operationale;

– In scopul predarii catre autoritati, la cererea explicita a acestora, in timpul sau dupa incetarea comtractului de inchiriere, a identitatii conducatorului motocicletei Moto4Rent la un anumit moment, in cazul incalcarii Codului Rutier de catre acesta;

– In scopul urmaririi pe cai legale a locatarului pentru recuperarea eventualelor amenzi contraventionale ale acestuia din timpul executarii contractului de inchiriere, transmise catre Moto4Rent in timpul sau dupa incheierea contractului;

– In scopul urmaririi pe cai legale a locatarului pentru recuperarea prejudiciilor provocate prin accidentari, caderi, vandalizari ale vehicolului Moto4Rent provocate in timpul desfasurarii contractului de inchiriere;

- For the purpose of drawing up a new rental contract, in case of extending the rental period, at the express request of the lessor.

Moto4Rent pastreaza datele personale ale locatarului in medii de stocare private si nu le va divulga catre nici o alta parte terta, exceptand cererea legala a autoritatilor care cerceteaza evenimente produse de conducatorul unui vehicul Moto4Rent la un anumit moment de timp.

 12. Protection of personal data

 The personal data privacy policy is available at www.moto4rent.ro/confidentialitate.